Roadway Projects
A 2011 plan projected that up to 70,000 vehicles a day will rely on State Street by 2035. Widening State Street is a key part of improving transportation options to benefit everyone.
2021 | State Street and Pierce Park Lane Intersection (ACHD) - ACHD is improving the State Street and Pierce Park Lane intersection by realigning Pierce Park Lane to improve safety, including adding medians and U-turn opportunities where necessary. The project will improve transportation options by providing a multi-use pathway for bikes and pedestrians on the south side and sidewalks and a buffered bike lane on the north, as well as improving transit stops and pedestrian crossing opportunities.
2019 | State Street Lighting Improvements - 16th St. to 23rd St. (ACHD) - ACHD is improving State Street for all transportation options by installing continuous street lighting between 16th Street and 23rd Street to improve nighttime visibility and safety.
2018-2019 | State Street and Collister Drive Intersection (ACHD) - Construction has started for rebuilding the State Street and Collister Drive intersection by realigning Collister Drive to improve safety and widening State Street within the project limits. The project will improve transportation options by providing better sidewalks, bike lanes, an accessible greenbelt path connection, and transit stops. This project was completed in October 2019.
Many more projects are in the works and this page will be updated as the timeline for improvements is established. For the timing of additional roadway projects, see the ACHD Integrated Five-Year Work Plan and the Idaho Transportation Department Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP).