Transit Projects 

2024 | 18th & State Improvements (Valley Regional Transit) - Starting around July 15th, Valley Regional Transit (VRT) will start construction on the State & 18th Bus Stop Improvements and Intersection Rebuild project. The project is anticipated to be completed this fall*.

The project is being provided by VRT and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), sponsored by the City of Boise and in coordination with the Ada County Highway District (ACHD). Funding comes from the FTA Bus and Bus Facilities grant program [59 U.S.C. 5339(b)].

Goals & Benefits

The goal of this project is to improve the intersection at 18th & State as part of a larger effort toward building a better State Street. Improvements include:

  • Enhanced bus stops: improved bus stations will include better passenger amenities and provide a more comfortable wait for riders; stations will also be located close enough to the intersection to provide good transit access, but far enough away to avoid blocking pedestrian crosswalks and interfering with traffic

  • Upgraded infrastructure: the project will also make improvements to landscaping and driveways of nearby business properties, as well as update traffic lanes/signals and pedestrian facilities for improved pedestrian safety and traffic flow

The improvements will continue to make transit better for VRT’s Route 9 State Street, which provides some of VRT’s most frequent service from Gary Lane to downtown Boise.


  • Pedestrian detours and sidewalk closures

  • Lane restrictions

  • Bus route detours and/or stop relocation

  • General construction noise, dust, equipment backup alarms, and ground vibration

Contact Us

General, VRT


Stephen Hunt, VRT (Development Director)

  • 208-258-2701,

Joe Guenther, VRT (Capital Projects Manager)

  • 208-602-7958,

Joe Barton, Paragon Consulting (Project Manager)

  • 208-921-8486,

*construction schedule is subject to change

2021 | State Street alternative Analysis (Valley Regional Transit) - In cooperation with the State Street Technical Team and participation from the Ada County Highway District, City of Boise, the Capital City Development Corporation, the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho and the Idaho Transportation Department, Fehrs and Peers lead an alternative analysis to recommend a preferred alternative for transit service between State and Whitewater Park Boulevard and Downtown Boise.

2020 | Enhance transit service to Eagle (Valley Regional Transit) - Valley Regional Transit is seeking funding to enhance transit service to Eagle along Highway 44 by 2020. As development continues to occur along Hwy 44 Valley Regional Transit is seeking funding to accommodate some of the increased travel demand on transit.

2019 | First and Last Mile Transit Connections (Valley Regional Transit) - To increase public access to transit VRT will initiate a pilot project with Lyft to provide connections to transit stops along State Street. Transit riders can book a discounted Lyft trip to or from transit stops along State Street including the stop at Saxton and State, which will be improved with a shelter to make it more convenient for waiting passengers.

2020 | Increase service on the 9 State Street in the off peak (Valley Regional Transit) - Valley Regional Transit is seeking funding to increase service levels on the 9 State Street to every 15 minutes in the middle of the day in 2020. These service increases would make it easier to travel to by transit along the State Street corridor. Well used transit service moves more people in less space which is especially important during periods of construction.

2019 | Increased service on the 9 State Street in the peak period and on the weekend (Valley Regional Transit) - Service increased on the 9 State Street to run every 15 minutes between 6-9am and 3-6pm every weekday and increased to run every 30 minutes all day on Saturday. These service improvements will make it easier to travel by transit on the State Street corridor which is especially important during periods of construction.