Transit Oriented Development Projects
Transit-oriented development projects align with the community's long range plans to build vibrant neighborhoods with more places to shop, dine, work, and recreate closer to residential areas.
2020 I Urban Renewal Planning: State Street District (Capital City Development Corporation) - This renewal process will help improve State Street as a corridor surrounded by mixed uses and densities that are supported by a well-developed transit system.
2017 | State Street Transit Oriented Development Study (COMPASS) - Conduct market analysis and draft TOD station area concepts.
Survey opportunity - Boise City State Street Corridor Plan
The city of Boise needs to know what you think about State Street. What is working? What is missing? What changes would you like to see?
The city has posted an online survey to provide the public the opportunity to provide input. Your input will help planners understand priorities and needs along this important Street Corridor.